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Dear reader, WELCOME.

Your presence means a lot to us. This blog gives you a peek into the rich Indian Cultural heritage.  We invite you to contribute on any aspect of heritage as this space is yours.

The past is important as it’s difficult to forget our ROOTS and is the window of a bygone era. To take pride and own it is our birth right. As our by-line says- it’s important that we CONNECT, UNDERSTAND, VALUE AND PRESERVE. So let’s create an informed awareness in the first instance. The blog has and will have original accounts of tangible and intangible heritage. Of secular and religious monuments, of ideas, traditions, customs, the ARTS to name a few.  

Edited by Dr. Githa U Badkillaya, the blog is maintained by our interns. Please feel free to comment and suggestions are also welcome.

Thank you. Enjoy reading.


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